How To Download Game Ps4

Using the PS4 Jailbreak you'll be able to download any recreation and play for free. A hacker claimed a profitable PlayStation 4 jailbreak through a kernel exploit. In recent news, an exploit is presumed to be discovered that permits the jailbreak of a PS4 game console. Why PS4 Jailbreak is acctually a. PS4 Review by IGN. Following some of the recent PS2 and PS4 PKG Guides, here's a video tutorial from @XeXSolutions on how to install PKG file games on exploited PS4 4.05 Firmware running PS4HEN which also can be hosted on Android and iOS devices. If anyone along for the ride has time it would be great to fill a request for a PKG download manager tutorial also, as apparently there are free ones such as.

PS4 Jailbreak has been out since February and the developers or team that brought out this PS4 jailbreak have been at it for years but finally after 4 years of no PS4 hack, we finally got one that works and it allows you play downloaded pirated PlayStation 4 games for free without buying game discs or digital version of the game.

Let’s get straight to the point. What can you do with your hacked PS4? which are the benefits and what can you not do with your hacked PS4? These two questions are very important because we all need to understand the good and bad side of PS4 Jailbreak.

Only PS4 console running 4.05/4.55 firmware can be hacked. I would personally advise you get a PS4 console running 4.05 because the jailbreak runs smoothly on that firmware. I also know that most PS4 users like myself are on the latest firmware so how do we get back to firmware 4.05? You can’t downgrade your PS4.

You would have to get another PS4 running 4.05. You can buy from eBay or Amazon or your local electronic stories around you, please make sure it’s running on 4.05 firmware.

Table of Contents

  • How to Jailbreak your PS4 running 4.05 firmware

What can you do with a Hacked PS4 (BENEFITS)

  • Play pirated PlayStation 4 Games for free, all you have to do is download the games, send to your hacked PS4 HDD and play without any limit.
  • You can download and use custom PS4 themes now.
  • You can use Linux on PS4
  • You can play PS2 games to bring back the good memories.
  • You can turn your PS4 as an FTP server
  • You can now edit your Registry, debug settings and many more customizations are now available on the PS4.

PS4 Jailbreak (BEWARE)

How To Download Game Ps4
  • I would advise you get a PS4 running 4.05 or 4.55 firmware because that’s the version the hack works for. Version 4.05 has been said to be more stable than 4.55.
  • After buying a pS4 running 4.05 firmware, you run the PS4 jailbreak
  • Disable internet on that PS4 forever after successfully jailbreaking the PS4.

How to run PS4 Jailbreak (EASY METHOD)

You are going to learn how to run the PS4 Jailbreak the easy and simple way. I must admit, the process seemed confusing at first but after sitting down, figuring it out and simplifying it I am here to present a guide that’s much easier to understand and implement.

Our task would be to load the exploit and feed it a payload (which is the unsigned code we want your PS4 to run) and it all begins with your PS4’s debug settings. So we need to enable “Debug settings” first on your PS4 console. But before we push the throttle, a little disclaimer wouldn’t hurt but it would put you in the right perspective of things.


Exploiting the kernel of your PS4 will open your PS4 up to fun stuff like playing free downloaded games, using custom themes and also potential risk and harm if you download payloads from untrusted sites. Always check the MD5 Checksum to confirm that the payload you downloaded hasn’t been altered in any way. You can check using this link.

Let’s continue.

There are two reasons this tutorial is known as the easy method.

  1. It’s simple and easy to understand and run
  2. We would be using the Al-Azif’s Easy PS4 Exploit Hosting Tool

Remember our task from earlier? We said we wanted to run unsigned code on our PS4 which would give us access to our PS4’s debug settings and to do this, there are 2 steps to follow.

  1. Load the exploit through a webpage
  2. Send the payload to the exploited PS4

Benefits of using the Al-Azif’s Easy PS4 Exploit Hosting Tool

Using the Al-Azif’s Easy PS4 exploit hosting tool, we are open to so many benefits which make ps4 jailbreak easy for everyone to do. The benefit includes;

  1. Wide compatibility range, this tool supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS.
  2. Blocks unwanted Sony connections
  3. Hosting of exploit on a server
  4. Semi-automatic sending of payloads
  5. Serves as a proxy for your PS4
  6. Open source
  7. Written in python

PS4 Jailbreak Requirements

We have talked about the good and bad side of PS4 jailbreak, also went through the PS4 Jailbreak disclaimer, we also know the benefits of using the Al-Azif’s Easy PS4 Exploit Hosting Tool and now it’s time we get to know what is required for a PS4 Jailbreak to be successful.

  1. Sony PlayStation 4 running 4.05 firmware
  2. Internet connection
  3. Python 3.65 – DOWNLOAD LINK
  4. The Al-Azif’s Easy PS4 Exploit Hosting Tool – DOWNLOAD LINK
  5. SpecterDev’s Debug Settings Payload – DOWNLOAD LINK

Big part coming right up, this is the main part of this guide and this is where you will learn how to run the PS4 Jailbreak on your PS4 device.

Part 1: Load the exploit through a webpage

  • Install Python 3 on your computer. If you are installing Python 3 on a windows computer, make sure you check “add python to path” during the installation process.
  • Extract the Easy PS4 exploit hosting file to a folder, any folder of your choice would work.
  • Open the easy PS4 exploit hosting tool folder, locate “Payloads” and copy debug-settings.bin payload.
  • Double click on “” file to start running the tool.
  • The cmd command window would open asking you what exploit to run, select IDC.
  • You should see something like “Your DNS IP is” which shows that your tool is running fine.
  • Turn on your PS4 console.
  • Go to your internet settings i.e. head to Settings – Network – Setup Network.
  • Select Manual and set as primary DNS and Secondary DNS. Don’t change the IP address and subnet mask.
  • Your PS4 and Computer should be connected to the same Local Network which means the same internet router.
  • Test your PS4’s internet connection. Obtain IP Address & Internet Connection should be successful which means your PS4 has found the proxy server running on your computer, while the rest of the check can fail, it doesn’t matter but more importantly, “PlayStation Network Sign in” should fail.

Part 2: Running the Exploit & Sending the Payload

Your PS4 is ready and properly configured to access the internet through your computer’s easy PS4 exploit tool.

  • In your PS4, head over to User Guides (Settings – User Guides). A webpage will open loading the exploit page and on your computer, the python script will show “sending exploit”.
  • It’s time to send the payloads from your computer to your PS4. This payload file is what we copied and downloaded at the beginning of this guide.
  • Choose which payload to send to your PS4.
  • Payload sent! To verify that it was successful, check your settings page, scroll down till you see “debug settings”. If you see debug settings it means you have succeeded in running the PS4 4.05 jailbreak.

So, you got a PlayStation 4 for Christmas or finally tracked down a copy at your local store, and now you’re asking that all-important question — what to play on this thing? We’ve covered a large number of your on-disc choices like “Knack,” “Killzone: Shadow Fall,” and “Call of Duty: Ghosts,” but we wanted to take a look at what will be a major part of the PS4 generation – the downloadable game experience. We will very soon reach a point where most major games are being downloaded and not ordered through online outlets or picked up at old-fashioned game stores.

Already, people are downloading games like “Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag” and “LEGO Marvel Super Heroes” and never having a disc in their hands. It also offers a wonderful variety of smaller games, from independently created offerings like “Don’t Starve” to imported-and-upgraded PS3 hits like a few of the titles below. Where do you start with your PSN experience in the new generation? You’ve got hard-drive space to fill, right? Start with these five, all available now for the PS4.

Update: This article was originally written almost two years ago, and these five downloadable games are still well worth purchasing so I don't want to change their order, but Telltale Games has become the dominant force in PSN entertainment. Go download 'The Walking Dead,' 'Tales From the Borderlands' and 'Game of Thrones' and then come back in a few days for these goodies.


What We Like

  • Great looking, atmospheric visuals.

  • Excellent musical score.

  • Plenty of puzzles.

What We Don't Like

  • Game lasts just three hours.

  • Not enough interesting moments.

  • Falls short on execution.

Most game critics seem to be embracing “Resogun” as the must-have free game of the PlayStation Plus service but I find that title fun-but-disposable. It doesn’t linger at all and it’s not what I reach for any more when I pick up my PS4 controller and leaf through the collection on my hard drive. I find “Contrast,” the other day one PS Plus game, more ambitious. Some of the gameplay is flawed but this is a visually engaging experience, in which you bounce in and out of the shadows to solve puzzles and find collectibles. I’m a sucker for a good platformer and good puzzle-solver. “Contrast” doesn’t live up to the potential of its concept as the execution doesn’t quite match the set-up but there’s more to like here than not and I hope to see more unique games like “Contrast” as a part of the Plus service in the future. The more people that play this, the more encouraged Sony will be to make more successful games like it.

Escape Plan

What We Like

  • Challenging gameplay mechanics.

  • Lots of content in 90+ puzzle rooms.

  • Puzzles require both execution and thought.

What We Don't Like

  • Awkward to switch between two main characters.

  • Entire game is in black and white. No color.

“Contrast” is the only PS4-exclusive title in this list as, yes, sadly, again it’s a time in which games upgraded from their PS3 incarnations seem to dominate instead of original titles. The best games for the PS4 now are also many of the best games for the PS3, just with a better framerate. But within upgrades like the one to “Escape Plan” (and, especially, the next game on this list), we can see the potential of this system. For now, you should download “Escape Plan” for a very simple reason – it’s fun. A clever blend of puzzle-solving and platforming with a unique visual style, “Escape Plan” is a great title to use via Remote Play with your Vita. Sitting on the couch, grab your Vita, fire up your PS4 from the other room. Yes, you could just own “Escape Plan” on your Vita but you’ll never have the hard drive space on your handheld that you will within your PS4.


What We Like

  • Good for non-gamers and gamers.

  • Easy-to-manage controls.

  • Beautiful graphics and immersive environment.

  • Replayable.

What We Don't Like

  • Lasts only one to two hours.

  • PS4 version contains no new content.

  • Not really a game. It's an experience.

One of the best games of the PS3 generation, downloadable or otherwise, has been beautifully upgraded for the PS4 crowd and I couldn’t be happier that it’s so early in the lifespan of this new console. If “Flower” had been ported over this coming Summer, it might have been lost in the shuffle, but the dearth of great titles for the PS4 should allow this game to stand out. And even if you’ve played “Flower” for your PS3, you should do so again (and can for free since you already bought it for the last system). The visuals are smoother, the music feels more in tune with the action, and the controls are responsive. It’s a lyrical masterpiece.

Sound Shapes

What We Like

  • Solid gameplay wrapped in a minimalist approach.

  • Outstanding music.

  • Additional modes after you beat the game.

What We Don't Like

  • Easy to complete in a weekend.

  • Simple jumps require precision.

  • Lack of campaign content.

The world of “Sound Shapes” has really exploded through one element that Sony really hopes the new generation of gamers will embrace – the social experience of the machine. Sony really wants you to share your gaming experience, and a large number of developers don’t just want you to share what you’re playing but to get in on the act of creation. “Sound Shapes” includes a number of great, music-based games when you download it, but it also allows access to the wealth of levels designed by gamers. It’s a case where the professional levels, like those featuring music by Beck, are worth the purchase price on their own, and then everything else is gravy. Dubstep gravy.

Zen Pinball 2

What We Like

  • Fantastic special effects.

  • 3D compatible.

  • Cross-platform with PS3 and Vita.

  • Multiplayer mode.

What We Don't Like

  • A few repetitive speech effects on a couple of tables.

  • Additional tables are in-app purchases.

  • The ball moves faster than in real life.

Can You Download Ps4 Games

It all comes back to “Zen Pinball.” Yes, there’s also an upgraded PS4 version of “The Pinball Arcade,” which purists would argue is more loyal to real pinball physics, but this game is more fun. With tables built around the Marvel Universe and Star Wars, it looks even better with PS4 graphics, and those of you who jumped aboard this arcade bandwagon on the PS3 can download any table you bought for that system with next-gen graphics and gameplay. Get thee to the PlayStation Network. Now. See you on the pinball leaderboards.